Reading Comprehension Resources

The ability to read and understand text is essential to igniting learning. Reading comprehension can be impacted by a number of challenges, including language comprehension, working memory deficits, executive function, and decoding challenges.

Building Essential Skills for Reading Comprehension

Students must master the following skills in order to fully understand what they are reading. A variety of methods to increase reading comprehension can be used both in school and at home to help students practice and develop these essential skills.

Can Groves Learning Center Help Improve Reading Comprehension?

There are any number of reasons a student may struggle with reading comprehension. Groves Learning Center can determine whether a learning or attention deficit disorder is the cause. We offer diagnostic evaluations and neuropsychological assessments to students of all ages. Tutoring is available to those who need additional help sparking skills to improve reading comprehension.

Groves Academy provides, evidence-based literacy instruction to all students. Students who receive literacy instruction at Groves Academy can radiate success, advancing more than two grade levels in reading during the first year of instruction.


Groves Summer Programs Registration Now Open!

Complete your application by March 1st, 2025
to receive a $200 discount.


Groves Summer Programs offer in-person, individualized, expert instruction. We empower students to prepare for the upcoming academic year, equipping them with the tools they need for a strong and successful start to school in the fall.

Designed for students entering grades 2-8 with dyslexia, ADHD, and other language-based learning challenges.

Get ready for a summer of fun, growth, and learning!

Discount applies to applications that are complete with all documents by March 1st.