
Groves Literacy Partnerships 2021-22 Data Shows Student Impact

Stu­dents who don’t read pro­fi­cient­ly by third grade have only a 25% chance of catching up and reading at grade level during their school careers, according to the National Institutes of Health.

The Groves Method® curriculum is leveling the playing field by providing the teachers and the students the resources and training they need. We are working to close the literacy achievement gap.

Each year, oral reading fluency data is collected at our partnerships schools in the fall, winter, and spring to identify high- and moderate-risk students and track program progress. Groves Literacy Partnerships coaches assist in the interpretation of the data, student groupings, and intervention planning.

During the pandemic, assessment data showed troubling declines in state and national student reading achievement. However, most GLP partner schools showed gains in their K-3 students’ reading scores.

Literacy Risk Assessment for 2021-2022

Our partner schools are closing the gap:

  • One in three readers who tested in the high-risk category in the fall for grade-level reading fluency was no longer high risk by the end of the school year.
  • 42% of first-grade students tested as high risk in the fall; only 25% were still high risk in the spring.
  • 82% of the students who tested as high risk between the 3rd-10th percentile in the fall increased their national percentile by spring testing and are closing the gap between them and their peers who are reading at grade level.
  • 98% of high-risk readers improved their reading speed and accuracy over the course of the year.

This data represents the oral reading assessments of 4,136 students in grades 1-3 who were tested in both the fall and spring of the 2021-2022 school year. 

Kindergarten students in GLP partner schools* do not take the oral reading fluency assessment.

*Six Minneapolis Public Schools and St. Paul City Schools are not included in this data set because they use a different screening tool.facts at a glance infographic

Our curriculum, written by grade level for Pre-K through Grade 3, consists of teacher instruction materials, such as teacher’s manuals, instructional cards, and posters, along with workbooks, magnetic tiles and boards, and other student materials. It is used in all of our partner schools, with clear lessons for teaching the whole class as well as lessons for small groups to reinforce concepts for those children that need extra practice to reach mastery.


Groves Literacy PartnershipsGroves Literacy Partnerships is proud to be working together with 73 schools in 500 classrooms in the greater Twin Cities area, cutting across all demographics, and serving more than 9,500 K-3rd grade students just this year, delivering powerful reading and literacy instruction.

Learn more about becoming a Groves Literacy Partner.

Request information about Pre-K–3rd-grade Literacy Partnerships.



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