Don’t miss the ALL NEW LINE-UP of free virtual workshops Groves is offering this summer!
Groves is committed to expanding the benefits we offer and sharing our expertise with parents, educators, and students in the greater community. The Groves Summer Workshops Series are all open to the public as a community resource, and are free of charge. The workshops are held online, and the Zoom meeting code for each workshop will be provided to registrants.
July 15, 2021
Screen Time and Media: What We Know Now and Considerations during the Pandemic
Presented by Ethan Schwehr, PhD LP NCSP Groves Academy Licensed Psychologist and Laurie Kincade, PhD NCSP, Groves Postdoctoral Fellow
There is a lot of conflicting information on screen time and media recommendations for families and children. This workshop will provide an overview of recommendations and what the research has found. We will broadly cover different types of media (e.g., television, social media, video games) and suggestions for how to handle media and screen time during a pandemic.
July 21, 2021
A Guide to Successful Writing Instruction for Struggling Students
Presented by Ellen Engstrom, MA, Groves Academy Director of Curriculum.
Everyone agrees that writing is an important skill to master, but so many students struggle. This workshop will address the difficulties that students encounter as they learn to write as well as how research-based writing instruction can reduce or remove the barriers that prevent students from developing proficient writing skills. The workshop will address these questions:
- What is writing?
- What are the benefits of having good writing skills?
- Why do so many students struggle with writing?
- What is the foundation of proficient writing?
- What type of writing should be the focus of instruction?
- What materials are necessary to teach writing?
This workshop is geared to educators, parents, and others who want to learn more about an approach to writing instruction that might help students who struggle with writing.